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PHONICARE International B.V. is not a just a "Trade" company. Our goal is to offer real and meaningful support to our partners. Our aim is to create the best possible environment to support our partners with e.g. product advice, marketing ideas, sales & business concepts & business advice, promotions, private label & OEM/ ODM options.  SHORT "de-stress service".

Calibration & Service

For your measurement and test equipment we offer our calibration service. Our specialized lab is located in Portugal, where we calibrate your equipment using the latest "state of the art" calibration equipment. We calibrate most brands of Audiometers, Tympanometers, etc. in a accurate, fast and absolutly cost-effective way. Our calibration service works according to the latest European standards.

Brands we Calibrate and repair: 








Older models of:  




NOAH / Himsa

To offer a service/ support as complete as possible, we are proud to be official NOAH (Himsa) partner, providing NOAH/ Himsa hardware | software and technical support.


Earmold service

In our lab we produce al type of earmolds, ITE shells, custom hearing protection and Inn-Ear monitors. As we work with the latest 3D print technology, the best materials, and only with recognized technicians, we are able to reach our high-end standard. Do our proffesional aproach and logistic system we can work accurate,  fast and cost-effective!

OEM/ ODM solutions

is a service option we provide with all our consumer products. We offer multiple options and can do this with relatively low quantities - please ask us for details. We can also support you with e.g.: product advice | packinging design & development | marketing, etc... Provided in close cooperation with our selected manufacturer/ production partners. Together we work closely with our clients and guide them from idea to end-product, from product & packing design, to marketing if needed. We are your partner for 100% personalized products and packing. Ask for our possibilities.


If you are looking for a specific product, want to offer a special service, need a (hearing) website/ shop, looking for a manufacturer, etc.. Don`t hesitate to contact us. there is a serious chance that we already have the right connection for you, and if not, we'll help you to find it!


Your De-Stress partner 

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